Thursday, July 19, 2012

New Hosting Program Starts July 20th

The same hosting program that brought Ruslan and Nastia to us has brought another 15 children to our area.  They will arrive on July 20th, but do not need to remain in Utah to be hosted.  Two of last year's children are being adopted by a family in Arizona!

If you or another family you know are interested in hosting one of these children,
please contact Rob Jolley at

You can read all the information and even seen pictures here:


I have met with and interacted with almost all of these children and I can tell you that they are going to be great blessings to the families that adopt them.  Some of them are extremely talented in art, dance and other fine arts areas.  Others are highly intellegent and academic. 

Hosting does not mean you are means you are helping them find their family.

Please consider opening your home to one or more of these children.  You will be so blessed by the experience!

If nothing else, please pass this on so others can have the opportunity themselves.

Thank you!
Alisa :)

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